Hurlingham Manor North Association (HMNA) is a registered company with number 2004/006454/108.
It is the Residents Association (RA) purpose to obtain memberships and to use these funds in providing and maintaining security guards and structures as stipulated by the Johannesburg Roads Agency (JRA), at the two entrances (Woodlands Avenue and Pinotage Street). The role of the RA has grown over the years to include general maintenance in the suburb, council infrastructure fault reporting and the general cleaning and maintenance of the Council parks and Eskom servitudes. The HMNA (made up of volunteers) is assisted in its function by Street Representatives who are also volunteers.
In order to fulfil its role, the HMNA requires the residents of Hurlingham Manor (HM) to join the Residents Association (RA) and in doing so, to complete membership forms and to contribute financially every month at the specified monthly rate. Residents therefore need to furnish personal information on the membership form in order for payments, debit orders, EFTs and the like to be allocated correctly every month. This information is required and crucial for the HMNA to function (and apportion funds) correctly based on the income received. The HMNA also utilises the Street Representatives to help disseminate pertinent information to its residents (both contributors and noncontributors).
The membership forms also request consent for the HMNA to utilise the residents’ personal information obtained for its intended purpose.
The information collected from each contributor includes, name of the resident, their street address, date of birth, ID number and banking details.
The HMNA remains committed to upholding the law as it pertains to collecting and storing personal information and strives to manage this information responsibly and safely. Personal information is not used for any other purpose, but for what it is intended, viz. maintaining memberships, financial viability of the RA and maintaining the security and upkeep of the suburb.Personal information:
Personal information is collected and managed by one HMNA committee member, namely the member in charge of Memberships. No other committee member requires access to this information. This information is used by Memberships to track and allocate payments, identify those who qualify for pensioner discounts and to investigate any payment queries either with residents or the bank.
On specific occasions like the HMNA AGM, Memberships may require the assistance of other committee members to assist with the registration of residents attending the meeting. The information available at our AGM is limited to name, address, email and date of birth.
The information is kept on a personal device which is password protected. Information that is no longer required or applicable is destroyed / deleted electronically. Hard copies that are no longer required are also destroyed.
Personal information is destroyed:
2.1 when residents leave the suburb and terminate their membership, in writing.
2.2 when residents no longer wish to be members, in writing.
2.3 when data is outdated.
The HMNA makes use of Street Representatives to contact residents or disseminate information. The Street Representatives are allocated a street or two within HM. Street Representatives have signed consent forms with the HMNA to specifically protect and maintain confidentiality of the personal information of residents in their allocated streets (this only includes names, address, street number and contact number). The Street Representatives make use of WhatsApp groups, which are street specific, to maintain communication channels between themselves, the residents and the HMNA.
Information Officer:
As required by the POPI Act an Information Officer has been appointed. As detailed above, the appropriate person to manage the HMNA’s compliance, is the Memberships’ committee member, who can be contacted with any queries or requests at [email protected]
The Information Officer receives, collates and stores the relevant personal information collected by the HMNA. The device used to store the personal information is password protected and has antivirus software in place. The HMNA does not make use of any networks or outside storage facilities for its data.
Information no longer required is destroyed (either electronically or in the case of hard copies shredded).
Access to information:
All personal information remains confidential.
Access to personal information is restricted.
The HMNA does not sell personal information to third parties.
Third parties do not require personal information from the HMNA during its daily operational activities where third parties/ contractors are used.
Personal information is only released:
4.1 upon written request or compulsion under law from authorities e.g. SAPS.
4.2 where there is a duty to disclose in the public interest.
4.3 where consent has been given to disclose to a third party by the relevant person in writing.